© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Brandon Mak (he/him)
A postdoctoral researcher interested in human-animal interactions, I’m probably unapologetically bothering you with animal facts, and the occasional pun (quality not guaranteed).
Guilherme Neves
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
In my day job I study how neurons balance their impulses between inhibition and stimulation. Pint of Science gives me the opportunity to share enthusiasm about neuroscience while inhibitions are blunted by ethanol.
Luh Putu Kim Biesterfeld
I’m a 2nd year PhD student in International Development. My research explores the link between youth agripreneurship, climate change adaptation & enhancing rural livelihoods through empowerment initiatives in Indonesia. When I'm not buried in work, you'll often catch me whipping up savory treats.
Samantha Day (she/her)
Event Manager - Planet Earth
I am a 3rd year PhD candidate in geography, researching forest conservation partnerships. I love science and I adore pints! I even have the same type of glasses as the logo!! I hope to discover some weird and wonderful insights during Pint of Science, or also, hear some great debates!
Rachel Jackson
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I’m a postdoc studying the structure, function and plasticity of synapses, the specialised connections between neurons. The brain is a fascinating subject and I’m really excited about helping to organise some great talks about our Beautiful Mind!
Vincenzo Mastrolia
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I am a research associate in Burrone lab at King’s College London. My focus is investigating how the hippocampus processes the multitude of inputs it receives. To study this, I look at the activity of single neurons in real time, using microscopy and electrophysiology.
Rebecca Milton
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I’m a second year PhD student researching whether the immune system could be a link between obesity and depression. After attending PoS events previously I’m excited to help organise some Mental Health related talks as part of the Beautiful Mind theme.
Treesje Verlinden
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I am co-founder of a non-profit Applied Neuroscience Association (ANA) who is sponsoring "Beautiful Mind" as part of ANA's mission of "spreading neuroscience for social good"! Proud to be part of a team of event organizers representing King's IoPPN Denmark Hill for Pint of Science in London!
Leslie Wong
Event Manager - Our Society
I’m a third-year PhD in Comparative Literature at KCL who looks at how Greek gods and Victorian vampires are reimagined in Asian novels, comics and games. I was terrible at science in school but hey, that sure didn't stop me from becoming a part of Pint of Science. Dreams come true!
Gefan Wang
Event Manager - Our Society
Third-year PhD in Comparative Literature who’s fascinated (and haunted) by memory and space in post-WW2 Japanese and Austria prose. My research kinda bridges literature and physics, though the ‘bridge’ in question is built on wafer-thin ice.
Matthew Siddle
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I am a first-year MRes/PhD in Neuroscience and Immunology student who has decided that deadlines every other week just weren’t quite enough! Ideally every science presentation would be accompanied with a pint, but for now, this will have to do.
Andreea-Ingrid Baloc
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
I am a first Year PhD student, studying the interaction between the immune system of the brain and the rest of the body. After attending neuroscience outreach lectures, I decided that the best ones always involve alcohol, so I am very excited to help organise Pint of Science events!
Sangeeta Bhagawati
Event Manager - Our Society
I'm a PhD student in literature at King’s College London, researching on language, nationalism and periodicals in India’s North-Eastern states. I am enthusiastic about the possibilities of public scholarship and interested in developing opportunities to increase the visibility of Humanities research…
Augustine Chay
Event Manager - Our Society
I'm currently enrolled in the Joint PhD programme between the National University of Singapore (NUS) and King's College London (KCL). My research interests lie at the intersections of (post)colonial trauma studies, memory studies, and Cold War Decolonisation. I'm not a scientist, but I have to think…
Katy McCoy (she/her)
Event Manager - Planet Earth
I’m a 2nd year PhD student studying humpback whale population connectivity in the South Pacific. When I’m not drinking pints or doing science you can find me practicing yoga, reading or just staring out to sea.
Connor Lovell (he/him)
Event Manager - Planet Earth
I'm a third year PhD student researching the ecological roles of keystone ungulates in rewilding. This means that you can often find me out looking for wildlife, whether that be birds, boar, or beavers (my picture is a beaver dam, not just any old pile of sticks!)
Aakash Patel
Event Manager - Planet Earth
I’m a first year PhD student studying community led climate change adaptation to coastal flooding and erosion. I love to travel and when I’m home I’m usually reading, playing tennis or running.
Anna Goodden
Event Manager - Planet Earth
I’m a first year PhD student studying environmental policy, with a focus on developing methods to measure the flood resilience of households in England. This is my first PoS, so I’m excited to get involved and hear everyone’s talks!
Heema Shah
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
A Neuroscience consultant and educator with combined experience of +25 years, earning her MSc Neuroscience from King's College London. Founder of Spiritual Sacred Space, fusing neuroscience and spirituality to support client journeys. Member of ANA.
Dominika Bedran
Event Manager - Beautiful Mind
A final year PhD student, exploring dementia causes and potential biomarkers which could improve diagnosis. Founder of Neuro.city and a passionate science communicator. I raise awareness about neurodegenerative diseases and guide young minds who aspire to become scientists. Member of ANA.